Work Style Analyser reports
Discussion Profyles
A graphical representation of the participant's WSA scores, detailing all 25 scales embraced within the 5 profiles of Work Style, Motivation, Team, Learning and Change. This graphical report forms the basis of all WSA feedback discussions and is therefore critical to all uses of the WSA.
Team Development Report
A graphical representation of the team participants' WSA scores, detailing all 25 scales embraced within the 5 profiles of Work Style, Motivation, Team, Learning and Change. For each scale it includes an analysis of minimum, maximum and mode scores for the team.
Best used for: team development - planning and workshops, identifying and managing team conflict.
Personal Development Report new !
A textual report which identifies a participant's likely strengths and priority development areas, preferred learning style and suggested learning delivery methods.
Best used for: personal development, one to one coaching, leadership and management development, senior level assessments, career and talent management.
Recruitment Report
A textual report which measures a candidate's likely strengths and possible weaknesses in up to 18 different areas of competency. To aid the validation and interview process, a number of suggested probing questions are detailed against each competency.
Best used for: executive recruitment (middle to senior level management), assessment centres.
Scores Report
A basic list of the participant's scores, detailing all 25 scales embraced within the 5 profiles of Work Style, Motivation, Team, Learning and Change.